3549434Osteopathy is a system of manual medicine that diagnoses, treats and helps to prevent problems arising within the musculoskeletal system. This includes assessing and treating faults in joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves anywhere in the body – not only in the back!

Osteopathy is not just about treating symptoms. Osteopaths are trained to seek out and treat the underlying cause of the pain and can thus also help to prevent future recurrences. The causes could be due to a recent injury, postural strains, stress or an underlying disease. We also help guide patients into a better self care regime by advising on lifestyle and exercise.

Osteopaths undergo a lengthy study and training process lasting a minimum of four to five years. The course consists of anatomy, physiology, pathology, biomechanics and clinical methods. Interpretation of clinical tests and imaging is also covered.

Osteopaths are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council who govern osteopathic clinical and ethical guidelines. This regulation means that patients have the same assurances as when they visit the doctor or dentist.

All osteopaths currently in practice must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council as a legal requirement and at all times must follow high standards of professional conduct and behaviour.

Having Suffered from a slipped disc and Sciatic pain last year, Alex’s excellent advice and treatment has not only got rid of all my pain and discomfort but has allowed me to grow vegetables, wield my chainsaw and mow the lawns. An excellent practitioner and someone who can also make you feel better by their kindness, concern and good humour
Mr L, Craven Arms
It appears to be, and feels like an efficient, professional service. very conveniently situated too.
Mr P, Leominster

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